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It’s October!

Thank you to all our sponsors! This month we just want to take a moment to highlight all of our Business Sponsors who contribute SO MUCH to all our work here at the Centre. Your support makes what we do at Niagara Life Centre possible. Thank you for your partnership

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It’s September!

The Beauty of Banquet Testimonies As a counsellor, one of the most consistent prayers I have is that my clients will meet with and experience God in some way during our sessions. That they will know and feel an outpouring of His love, His belonging, His grace, and His healing.

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It’s August!

Behind the Scenes Our Banquet from a Counsellor’s Perspective. Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with

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It’s July!

A Note From Our Front Desk “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 God continues to show us, time and time again, that He is the true conductor. Our role as administrators gives us the opportunity to observe how God orchestrates the encounters at NLC. The divine

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It’s June!

Halfway through 2023! Can you believe that we are already HALFWAY THROUGH 2023!? When we reflect on the past 6 months we usually default to one of two responses – Gratitude for how far we’ve come, or Stress for what we have yet to accomplish. At Niagara Life Centre it’s

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It’s May!

It’s Mental Health Awareness Month! Mental health is all around us, but we often gloss over its importance. It’s easy to throw the term “mental health” around in conversation, advertising, or social media posts, but the reality is our mental health is a lot more integrated into our lives than

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It’s April!

Hello Sunshine! Who else has been enjoying the glorious sunshine these past couple weeks!? It has been such a welcome change as springtime blooms in it’s unique beauty. We love the springtime at NLC. As the warmer weather made way for new growth we couldn’t help but snap a couples

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It’s March!

In Like a Lion March. The month of impatience and unpredictable patterns. For many, March is the hardest month to get through. We have expectations for spring and just when the sunshine and warmer weather appear we are met with grey skies and ice, once again bundled up against the winter

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It’s February!

So Many New Things! The past few weeks have flown by here at NLC. New programs started, event dates planned, new clients, and continued growth all lead to this year being one full of impact for our community! Our biggest task so far has been the implementation of our new

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Hello 2023!

January. The start of a brand new year, full of expectancy and excitement. For many it holds new resolutions, re-evaluated perspectives, and hope for this next season of life. What are your goals for 2023? Here at Niagara Life Centre we set off in this new year with the same

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