NLC Service Fees
Individual, Couples and Family Counselling sessions are $60/session.
Group Programs are $10/session excluding GriefShare which is a free program
- Untangling Relationships Workbook $25
- GriefShare Workbook $20
Documentation Fees
- 1-10 pages $25.00
- 11-50 pages $30.00
- 50+ pages $35.00
Third Party Payment
Where a third party wants to pay for your sessions, you will be required to fill out a Third Party Payment Form to authorize invoicing and billing communications to the person or entity listed.
Receipts for group material and documentation requests will be issued upon purchase.
Niagara Life Centre does not offer direct billing to insurance companies. You may submit your receipt to an insurance company for reimbursement. Niagara Life Centre cannot guarantee that they will cover our fees. In the event your insurance provider reaches out to Niagara Life Centre to confirm services rendered, please know we are obligated to provide them with this information. We will do our best to gain your written consent prior to releasing the information; however, circumstances may prohibit this. In this case, we will proceed without your separate written consent.
Financial subsidy for all above mentioned fees may be available upon request at the front desk.