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It’s September!

The Beauty of Banquet Testimonies

As a counsellor, one of the most consistent prayers I have is that my clients will meet with and experience God in some way during our sessions. That they will know and feel an outpouring of His love, His belonging, His grace, and His healing. Since we know that all these things only come perfectly from Jesus Christ, my prayer is that God himself will fill the space and the room with Himself, and with His wisdom and guidance.

Who am I without HIS working power and presence? I have found myself time and time again in complete awe and wonder at the works of our amazing God. The ways that we as counsellors have the opportunity to sit and be present with our clients and then to experience how God shows up is always deeply humbling and awe inspiring. Those moments are sacred and precious to me. It is in those moments that my heart fills with worship and renewed faith at the wonderful works of his hands and his heart within the hurting souls of our community.

Banquet testimonies share what only counsellors usually experience. They are a beautiful celebration of the wonderful ways God has been working. It is a joy to experience His healing with clients and together be able to celebrate and praise God for His goodness!

To me, testimonies bring an opportunity to express His Glory! His Power! His Character! His Healing! They delight me, build my faith, and create a thankfulness to be part of His Kingdom in this way.

Naomi Reimer
NLC Counsellor

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Niagara Life Centre