That King who came in a lowly manger was King then, King today and King forevermore. We are so thankful that King Jesus reigns at NLC. Because of Him, everyday unfolds a new miracle in one client or another! He continues to be a bondage breaker and relationship healer as He offers help, hope, and healing through NLC ministry work. We want to thank you, our faithful supporters, for continuing the journey with us and allowing God to use you through coveted prayer and resources that support the work He is doing. We also want to thank our Board of Directors, staff and volunteers for the tremendous work that they do as they strive to pour their lives into NLC ministry work as they love God and love others. A snapshot of some of the lives impacted by this outpouring: Mental Health – 194 clients Relationships – 91 clients Grief – 61 clients Marriage/Couples – 45 (90 clients) Trauma – 33 clients These and many more lives have been touched by God’s grace through healing. While some are still on the healing journey, we know that our King cares and continues to be present in their lives… because he came, two thousand and twenty three years ago. The need for counselling continues to grow. We are finishing off the year with many clients waiting for help. The Surviving the Holidays GriefShare Program will support clients missing their loved ones at Christmas. Some of them for the very first Christmas since their loved one went home. Therefore, we are filled with gratitude for the support we have received in 2023. As we reel in 2024, consider continuing to support this amazing ministry that exists so that no one should have to go it alone. Merry Christmas to you and your families as you celebrate the coming of our King. To God be the glory, great things He has done! Read our full enewsletter here:

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