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It’s March!

The Heart of the Ministry

As a Communications Coordinator, I have a special privilege of connecting with a wide variety of people involved at Niagara Life Centre. From clients, to supporters, churches, volunteers, and those who are just curious about who we are and what we do – each day is an opportunity to share the hope, and vision of NLC. One thing that never ceases to amaze me is how often I see God’s hand at work in this place. Transforming lives, healing relationships, mending broken hearts, and prompting generosity… this truly is a ministry filled with the hope of Jesus.

Lamentations 3:22-24 says, “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The LORD is my portion, says my soul, therefore I will hope in him.” That’s the heart of NLC – that there is hope. Help, Hope, and Healing for the hurting in our communities. We can offer help, because God first helped us; we can offer hope, because Christ is our hope; and we can offer healing because God is the master physician. Praise God that His mercy never ceases, that there is always hope!

As Easter is celebrated I’m reminded of the steadfast love of God towards us. He gave when we couldn’t give and provided a way to have a relationship with Him through His son Jesus. In many ways our churches, volunteers, supporters, and partners are the hands and feet of Jesus, providing resources to clients in need of help. Thank you, from the very depth of our hearts for your impact on NLC and for your faithfulness throughout these many years of NLC’s ministry. May you be abundantly blessed this Easter season.

Check out our Spring Newsletter here:
NLC Spring Newsletter 2024

Niagara Life Centre