CALL US NOW 905-934-0021




God has impacted almost 20,000 lives through NLC ministry work since 1985…

Your support matters!

Donate online through Canada Helps:

The work of the centre could not continue without your financial support, which greatly subsidizes the cost of our services for our clients.

Other Ways You Can Donate To NLC:


1. Mail a cheque (mailing address: 65 Lakeshore Road, St. Catharines, ON L2N 2T3).

2. Donate by credit card (call our office, log on to our website, or if you receive our Newsletters use the remittance envelope included inside).

3. Become a Niagara Life Centre Care Holder with Monthly pre-authorized donations through your bank account or credit card.

4. Attend our fundraising events and bring your friends!

5. Send an e-transfer with your donation amount to  Please specify “Donation” in the memo line and include your name and a method of contact (phone number or address).

6. Throw a third-party fundraiser.
Do you have an idea of how you can raise money for Niagara Life Centre?  A concert? A trivia night?  A church or community idea?
Call or email NLC to ask about our Third Party Fundraising Policy.  Your creativity and support is welcome and appreciated!!

7. Join our Business Sponsorship Program by contacting: or call 905.934.0021